1st - 3rd of November 2022 - Bangkok Thailand
Holiday Inn Bangkok Silom hotel
1st - 3rd of November 2022 - Bangkok Thailand
Holiday Inn Bangkok Silom hotel
Tuesday - November 1, 2022
13:00 - 13:50 Registration
13:50 - 14:00 Welcome speech from the Tomorrow People Organization
14:00 - 14:25
Comparative Study on Mindfulness practices, Self-Reflection, and the role of Neuroleadership by University students to increase Emotional Intelligence in better Decision making, Productivity, awareness in Personal Health and managing offline/online study
Bhavna Khemlani [Bangkok School of Management, Thailand]
14:30- 14:55
Quality of life of Portuguese Undergraduate Nursing Students: Relation with Sociodemographic Characteristics
Prof. Amâncio António de Sousa Carvalho [University of Trás-os-Montes in Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal]
15:00- 15:20
Factors Influencing Local Residents’ Cognition on Public Hospitals
Ms. Eun Hye Choi [Chungcheongbuk-do Public health Policy Institute, South Korea]
15:20- 15:45 Coffee break
15:50 -16:10
Using Forum Theatre to Develop the Nursing Students' Communication Skills
Dr. Rattikorn Muangnang [Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Udonthani , Thailand]
16:15- 16:35
Validity and Reliability of Korean Version of the Personal Social Capital Scale-16
Ms. Junghee Cho [Chungcheongbuk-do Public Health Policy Institute, South Korea]
16:40 - 17:00
Determinants of Overnutrition: A Cross-Sectional Study of Small-scale Garment Workers in Cipadu, Tangerang
Dr. Yuli Amran [Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia]
13:00 - 13:50 Registration
13:50 - 14:00 Welcome speech from the Tomorrow People Organization
14:00 - 14:25
Comparative Study on Mindfulness practices, Self-Reflection, and the role of Neuroleadership by University students to increase Emotional Intelligence in better Decision making, Productivity, awareness in Personal Health and managing offline/online study
Bhavna Khemlani [Bangkok School of Management, Thailand]
14:30- 14:55
Quality of life of Portuguese Undergraduate Nursing Students: Relation with Sociodemographic Characteristics
Prof. Amâncio António de Sousa Carvalho [University of Trás-os-Montes in Alto Douro (UTAD), Portugal]
15:00- 15:20
Factors Influencing Local Residents’ Cognition on Public Hospitals
Ms. Eun Hye Choi [Chungcheongbuk-do Public health Policy Institute, South Korea]
15:20- 15:45 Coffee break
15:50 -16:10
Using Forum Theatre to Develop the Nursing Students' Communication Skills
Dr. Rattikorn Muangnang [Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Udonthani , Thailand]
16:15- 16:35
Validity and Reliability of Korean Version of the Personal Social Capital Scale-16
Ms. Junghee Cho [Chungcheongbuk-do Public Health Policy Institute, South Korea]
16:40 - 17:00
Determinants of Overnutrition: A Cross-Sectional Study of Small-scale Garment Workers in Cipadu, Tangerang
Dr. Yuli Amran [Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia]
Wednesday - November 2, 2022
Teaching and Learning
09:00 - 09:25
Fear Based Protocols - the Antithetical Intervention
Dr. Tiffiny Shockley [Queens University, USA]
09:30 - 09:50
Disparities in the Utilization of Medical Facilities for Primary Among of Colorectal Cancer Patients According to the Presence of Disabilities
Yujin Kim [Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea]
09:55 - 10:20
Fitness and Lifestyle Survey of the Older People in Northern and Central Provincial Cities, Thailand - Basic Information for the Prevention of Sarcopenia
Dr. Takeshi Yoda [Kawasaki Medical School - Department of Public Health, Japan]
10:25 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:05 - 11:30
The Impact of Hostel Life on the Personality Attributes of Young Adults: Case Study of a Public Sector University
Dr. Mariyam Waseem [Nishtar Medical University, Pakistan]
11:35 - 12:00
How Can Social Media Be Used as a Tool for Healthcare and Mental Health Support
Pornpawee Pirunrat [Thailand]
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:05- 14:30
Commitment to People: Public Health as Social Bonding
Prof. Slobodan Dan Paich [Artship Foundation, USA/ Turkey]
14:35 - 14:55
Triple Burden of Malnutrition in Pakistan; Challenges and Way Forward
Dr. Abdul Momin Rizwan Ahmad [National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan]
15:00 - 15:25
Prevalence of Underweight, Obesity, Severe Obesity and Abdominal Obesity According to Household Income
Nakhyun An [Institue of Health & Science Convergence, South Korea]
15:30 - 15:55 Coffee break
16:00 - 16:20
Antibiotic Use Among Households Living in Selected Cities and Provinces in the Philippines
Nolen G. De Guzman [Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Medical Technology, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines]
16:25 - 16:45
A study Protocol to Determine the Influence of Socio-demographic Characteristics on Knowledge, Attitude, and Behaviour of Artisanal Miners on Occupational Health and Safety, and Mining Regulation in Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of Congo
Ms. Martha Chadyiwa [University of Johannesburg, South Africa]
16:50 - 17:10
Development of a Drug Lifecycle Research Database at the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of the Republic of Korea
Ms. Heesoo Yang [Chungcheongbuk-do Public health Policy Institute, South Korea]
VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONS [pre-recorded videos]
Pre recorded video presentations can be accessed following the link below. Authors may be contacted individually, through contact form attached to each presentation.
Teaching and Learning
09:00 - 09:25
Fear Based Protocols - the Antithetical Intervention
Dr. Tiffiny Shockley [Queens University, USA]
09:30 - 09:50
Disparities in the Utilization of Medical Facilities for Primary Among of Colorectal Cancer Patients According to the Presence of Disabilities
Yujin Kim [Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea]
09:55 - 10:20
Fitness and Lifestyle Survey of the Older People in Northern and Central Provincial Cities, Thailand - Basic Information for the Prevention of Sarcopenia
Dr. Takeshi Yoda [Kawasaki Medical School - Department of Public Health, Japan]
10:25 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:05 - 11:30
The Impact of Hostel Life on the Personality Attributes of Young Adults: Case Study of a Public Sector University
Dr. Mariyam Waseem [Nishtar Medical University, Pakistan]
11:35 - 12:00
How Can Social Media Be Used as a Tool for Healthcare and Mental Health Support
Pornpawee Pirunrat [Thailand]
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:05- 14:30
Commitment to People: Public Health as Social Bonding
Prof. Slobodan Dan Paich [Artship Foundation, USA/ Turkey]
14:35 - 14:55
Triple Burden of Malnutrition in Pakistan; Challenges and Way Forward
Dr. Abdul Momin Rizwan Ahmad [National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS), Rawalpindi, Pakistan]
15:00 - 15:25
Prevalence of Underweight, Obesity, Severe Obesity and Abdominal Obesity According to Household Income
Nakhyun An [Institue of Health & Science Convergence, South Korea]
15:30 - 15:55 Coffee break
16:00 - 16:20
Antibiotic Use Among Households Living in Selected Cities and Provinces in the Philippines
Nolen G. De Guzman [Faculty of Pharmacy - Department of Medical Technology, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines]
16:25 - 16:45
A study Protocol to Determine the Influence of Socio-demographic Characteristics on Knowledge, Attitude, and Behaviour of Artisanal Miners on Occupational Health and Safety, and Mining Regulation in Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of Congo
Ms. Martha Chadyiwa [University of Johannesburg, South Africa]
16:50 - 17:10
Development of a Drug Lifecycle Research Database at the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety of the Republic of Korea
Ms. Heesoo Yang [Chungcheongbuk-do Public health Policy Institute, South Korea]
VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONS [pre-recorded videos]
Pre recorded video presentations can be accessed following the link below. Authors may be contacted individually, through contact form attached to each presentation.
Intergenerational Project: Bridging the Gap Between Two Generations
Ms. Jhanvi Kappaganthu [National Public School, Singapore], Ms. Neeharika Desikan [India] A Study of Eating Habits Associated with Elevated LDL Cholesterol Levels in Fourth-Grade Elementary School Children Ms. Kotomi Yamashita [Okayama University, Japan] Predicting the Mortality of ICU Patients with Heart Failure: An Improved Stacking Ensemble Model Mr. Te-Nien Chien [National Taipei University of Technology, College of Management, Taiwan] Integrative Health Practices and Health Equity for Marginalized Populations Dr. Ruthann Russo [Kean University, USA] Student research papers - University Santo Tomas, Philippines The Adaptive Behavioral Immune System During the Emergence of COVID-19 Variants: The Concern and Preventative Health Behaviors among Adults in the National Capital Region, Philippines Ms. Daniella Grace Grecia The Assessment of the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices towards COVID-19 Minimum Public Health Standards among Selected Fully Immunized Individuals in the National Capital Region Ms. Vanessa Mae Azusano Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices on COVID-19 Variants of Medical Technology Students in a Selected University in Manila, Philippines Mr. Vincent Angelo Ante Stories of Unsung Heroes: Lived Experiences of Filipino Contact Tracers in the Implementation of Contact Tracing During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ms. Keanna Shatella Jardiolin A Cross-Sectional Study on the Factors Influencing Online Health Information Seeking Tendencies and Its Association on Health Care Behaviors of Filipino Citizens in Metro Manila During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ms. Sophia Anne Yanga Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Concerning Self-Medication with Antibiotics Among the Undergraduates of Medical Technology, Pharmacy, and Biochemistry from A University in Manila, Philippines Ms. Kristine Frances Mallillin A Cross-Sectional Study on the Socio-demographic Profile and Social Perceptions Towards COVID-19 Vaccines Among Residents of Quezon City Mr. Charles Gerald Pauig COVID-19 Convalescent Plasma Therapy: Awareness and Attitudes of Allied Health and Non-Allied Health Tertiary Students in Manila Mr. Juan Miguel Vicencio Knowledge, Attitudes, Motivations, and Inhibitory Influences regarding Blood Donation of Selected Filipinos Ages 18-65 years old in Metro Manila during the COVID-19 Pandemic Mr. Kevin Carlo Ganas Epidemiological Characteristics, Seroprevalence, and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Salmonella spp. Isolated from Enteric Fever Patients in the Philippines Mr. Jeremy Christian Gonzales Predictors for COVID-19 Infection in a Tertiary Hospital in Manila Ms. Joliana Lim The Prognostic Significance of Red Cell Distribution Width - Coefficient of Variation in Evaluating COVID-19 Severity Among Fully Vaccinated Patients Aged 18 Years Old and Above in a Hospital in Batangas, Philippines Ms. Ella Marie Capellan Survival Assessment Among Seropositive HIV Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis Undergoing Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Using Hematological Parameters and CD4 Count in a Hospital in Batangas, Philippines Mr. Kenneth Dungca Quality of Work among Medical Technologists in Selected Urban Areas caused by Exhaustion, Understaffing and Work Performance Ms. Sofia Julianne Bautista A Recovery-based Assessment of Disease Severity and Comorbidities Utilizing Hematological, Clinical Chemistry, Inflammatory, Coagulation and Arterial Blood Gas Biomarkers among Filipino COVID-19 Patients in a Secondary Hospital in Isabela, Philippines Mr. Paolo Cyro Feliciano The Association of ALT, AST, & LDL and Hypertension among Patients of a Multispecialty Secondary Clinical Laboratory in Plaridel, Bulac Ms. Hexiqyl Ong A Predictive Assessment of Early Neurological Deterioration Among Filipino Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Utilizing Hematological, Lipid Profile, and Metabolic Parameters in a Tertiary Hospital in Pampanga, Philippines Mr. Victoria Tiqui Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification in Detecting HIV-1 Infection: A Systematic Review Mr. Sean Gilbert Go A Correlational and Retrospective Study Between the Lead Time of Rapid Antigen Nasopharyngeal Swab Testing Kits and the Sensitivity and Specificity of Results in Testing for SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Mr. John Adrian Espinosa Relationship between Perceived Stress and Coping Mechanisms among Medical Technology Students in a University in Manila, Philippines: A Cross-sectional Descriptive Study Mr. Anthony Sy A Meta-Analysis on the Effectivity and Efficiency of Bacterial Cellulose in Wound Healing Compared to Conventional Methods of Wound Management in Adult Patients with Venous Ulcers Ms. Celesth Aurea Consuelo Pedro The Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine Brands on Vaccine Uptake among Medical Technology students from a Tertiary School in Manila Ms. Katrina Morales Factors Affecting Organ Donor Registration of Eligible Filipinos Aged 20-59 Living In National Capital Region (NCR), Philippines Ms. Nichael Maria Celina Uy Molnupiravir as Treatment for COVID-19 and Its Effects on Alanine Aminotransferase Levels: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Ms. Mary Khristine Denese Gomez |
Thursday - November 3rd, 2022
09:30 - 09:50
The Effect of Pandemic-related Pregnancy Anxiety on Neonatal Outcomes Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Secondary Hospital in Balanga City, Bataan, Philippines
Mr. Anakin D'Artagnan Co, Ms. Jesusa Andrea Marie Medina, Mr. Alexander Uriel Mendoza, Ms. Thercelyn Morallos, Ms. Maria Clarissa Louise Pecson, Ms. Nicole Ann Vergara [University of Santo Tomas, Philippines]
09:55 - 10:15
Acceptance - Focused Process Intervention (API) on Postpartum Depression and Emotional Intelligence among Postpartum Women
Sheeba John [University of Santo Tomas, Philippines]
10:20- 10:40
The Relationship Between Occupational Factors and Retention Intentions in Midwives at the Budi Kemuliaan Mother and Child Health House
Mr. Milza N Rosad [Faculty of Health Sciences, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia]
10:45 - 11:05
Nationwide Prevalence and Trends in Cigarette Smoking among Adult Males with and without Disabilities in South Korea
Prof. Kyoung Eun Yeob [Chungbuk National University, South Korea]
11:10 - 11:30
PROJECT MAL: MAMA, ANAK, AT LIPUNAN KONTRA MALNUTRISYON (Mother, Child, and Society Against Malnutrition) A Health Education and Promotion Project to Improve the Child Nutrition Programs in Barangay Guibongan, Miagao, Iloilo
Mr. Franco Miguel Nodado & Mr. Matt Andrew Secular [University of the Philippines Visayas, Philippines]
11:30 - 11:40
Epidemiology in Occupational Health: Recent Trends of Occupational Diseases in Korea (poster presentation)
Ms. Minjoo Yoon [Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute (OSHRI), South Korea]
11:40 - 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 - 12:30 Closing Ceremony, Evaluations and Photography opportunity
09:30 - 09:50
The Effect of Pandemic-related Pregnancy Anxiety on Neonatal Outcomes Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Secondary Hospital in Balanga City, Bataan, Philippines
Mr. Anakin D'Artagnan Co, Ms. Jesusa Andrea Marie Medina, Mr. Alexander Uriel Mendoza, Ms. Thercelyn Morallos, Ms. Maria Clarissa Louise Pecson, Ms. Nicole Ann Vergara [University of Santo Tomas, Philippines]
09:55 - 10:15
Acceptance - Focused Process Intervention (API) on Postpartum Depression and Emotional Intelligence among Postpartum Women
Sheeba John [University of Santo Tomas, Philippines]
10:20- 10:40
The Relationship Between Occupational Factors and Retention Intentions in Midwives at the Budi Kemuliaan Mother and Child Health House
Mr. Milza N Rosad [Faculty of Health Sciences, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia]
10:45 - 11:05
Nationwide Prevalence and Trends in Cigarette Smoking among Adult Males with and without Disabilities in South Korea
Prof. Kyoung Eun Yeob [Chungbuk National University, South Korea]
11:10 - 11:30
PROJECT MAL: MAMA, ANAK, AT LIPUNAN KONTRA MALNUTRISYON (Mother, Child, and Society Against Malnutrition) A Health Education and Promotion Project to Improve the Child Nutrition Programs in Barangay Guibongan, Miagao, Iloilo
Mr. Franco Miguel Nodado & Mr. Matt Andrew Secular [University of the Philippines Visayas, Philippines]
11:30 - 11:40
Epidemiology in Occupational Health: Recent Trends of Occupational Diseases in Korea (poster presentation)
Ms. Minjoo Yoon [Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute (OSHRI), South Korea]
11:40 - 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 - 12:30 Closing Ceremony, Evaluations and Photography opportunity
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