10th Public Health Conference [PHC2024]
17th - 19th of July 2024, Bangkok, Thailand
Remote presentations
Public Health Conference [PHC] is one of a kind platform for global stakeholders from academic, professional, non profit and governmental realms to gather, network and discuss healthcare and medical science. PHC offers a unique, culturally and professionally diverse environment, carefully designed to foster personal and professional growth.
This international conference on public health is open to any and all gender, religion, race and beliefs as our diversity in perspective is what helps broaden our knowledge, understanding and actions on the subject at hand.
This international conference on public health is open to any and all gender, religion, race and beliefs as our diversity in perspective is what helps broaden our knowledge, understanding and actions on the subject at hand.
Knowledge About Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In Portuguese Adults: Effect of Community Nursing Interventions
Prof. Amâncio Carvalho [University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro - Health School, Portugal]
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic, metabolic disease. Its prevalence has increased drastically, generating huge economic, personal and social costs for diabetics and families, as well as for health systems. Self-management and knowledge about DM are two areas of extreme importance as they influence the health of people living with this chronic process. To evaluate the effect of Community Nursing interventions on knowledge about Type 2 DM. This is a quasi-experimental, single-group study, with a sample of 42 diabetic users, from a Community Care Unit, in the North of Portugal. In data collection, we used a self-completed questionnaire. In data processing, we used SPSS 25.0 software. Of the total sample, the majority were male (61.9%), fell into the age group of 53-64 years old (59.5%), had completed the 2nd or 3rd cycle (95.2%). Interventions (health education sessions and distribution of an informative flyer) were carried out between November 2022 and January 2023. The average score for general knowledge about DM2 pre-intervention was 14.67±0.544 points and after the intervention of 21.62±0.394 points. The average ordering of knowledge differed significantly between the pre-intervention and post-intervention moments (Wilcoxon: p < 0.000), with 100% of participants increasing their knowledge from the first to the second moment of data collection. The interventions carried out were effective in improving the knowledge about DM among the sample's users.
The Benefits of Art Therapy During Stage III Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Dr. Shonda McLaughlin [The Consolidated Rehab Group, Inc., USA]
According to the World Health Organization (WHO; 2024), approximately 20 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2022, with lung, breast, and colorectal cancers being the most prevalent types. In the United States alone, nearly two million new cancer cases were reported in 2023, with an estimated 610,000 cancer-related deaths projected (Siegel, et. al., 2023).
Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be a profoundly distressing experience for both the individual and their family. The process of exploring treatment options, making decisions about care, adjusting to psychosocial changes, and managing the daily implications and prognosis of the diagnosis can be overwhelming.
While coping strategies are a personal choice, the objective of this presentation is three-fold, to: (1) distinguish between Art and Art Therapy; (2) contribute to the dismantling of stigma associated with discussing cancer; and (3) share and discuss the benefits of visual art during treatment and healing.
This interactive presentation aims to provide attendees from various disciplines with resources and evidence supporting the importance of art therapy in cancer recovery.
Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be a profoundly distressing experience for both the individual and their family. The process of exploring treatment options, making decisions about care, adjusting to psychosocial changes, and managing the daily implications and prognosis of the diagnosis can be overwhelming.
While coping strategies are a personal choice, the objective of this presentation is three-fold, to: (1) distinguish between Art and Art Therapy; (2) contribute to the dismantling of stigma associated with discussing cancer; and (3) share and discuss the benefits of visual art during treatment and healing.
This interactive presentation aims to provide attendees from various disciplines with resources and evidence supporting the importance of art therapy in cancer recovery.
A New Technology for Pacifier Weaning: A Thematic Analysis
Prof. Ahmed Al Hariri [Department of Psychology, College of Arts, Taif University, Saudi Arabia]
Pacifiers may harm children’s health and lead to various problems. The current study aims to introduce new technology (patent) that may prevent babies from becoming used to a pacifier.
Senescence Seclusion Syndrome: Appraising the Efficacy of Current Interventions
Dr. Noah Leton [St. George's University, Grenada]
The proportion of senior citizens in the global population has been on a steady rise, and the current population is forecasted to double in a few decades. Against this backdrop, the prevalence of senescence seclusion syndrome (SSS), characterized by prolonged social isolation in the elderly, is increasing concurrently. Given the profound threats this syndrome poses to the mental, physical, and social well-being of this vulnerable demographic, implementing effective interventions is imperative to mitigate these threats and enhance the quality of life.
This presentation brings to the fore findings from an assessment of the interventional modalities for SSS and proffers a guide for future research, policy and practice.
This presentation brings to the fore findings from an assessment of the interventional modalities for SSS and proffers a guide for future research, policy and practice.
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Characterization of planned home births: experiences of a Brazilian collective
Isabela Ribeiro Passos Vieira, Tanila Amorim Glaeser, Lilian Conceição Guimarães de Almeida, Monique França dos Santos [UFBA, Brazil]
Use of Technologies in Planned Home Birth Care
Rafael de Oliveira Silva; Lilian Conceição Guimarães de Almeida; Priscila Kiselar Mortelaro Franceschini; Rebeca dos Santos Santos;Isabela Ribeiro Passos Vieira; Monique França dos Santos, [UFBA, Brazil]
Julia Kruschewsky de Oliveira Parente; Mayana Bonfim Ferreira; Moniky Araújo da Cruz; Joana D’arc Ferreira Lopes Santos; Nadirlene Pereira Gomes; Maria Enoy Neves Gusmão, [UFBA, Brazil]
Health Problems of the Population in Remote Rural Municipalities in the State of BahiaBrazil nurses' perceptions
Priscila Araújo Rocha, Tatiane Araújo dos Santos, Daniela Gomes dos Santos Biscarde, [UFBA, Brazil]
Queuam Ferreira Silva de Oliveira, Mel Matos de Carvalho Espinheira, Elaine Guedes Fontoura, Gilberto Tadeu Reis da Silva, [UFBA, Brazil]
Rebeca Nascimento dos Santos, Lilian Conceição Guimarães de Almeida, Priscila Kiselar Mortelaro Franceschini, Rafael de Oliveira Silva, Juliana Simas Santos, [UFBA, Brazil]
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